What do you need when you bring your new Havanese puppy home?
Dog Crate: Top paw 24” folding dog crate 2 doors (size :24 long, 17 wide, 19 high)
Crate pad for lining the crate
Exercise Pen 49”
Food bowls- stainless steel or ceramic made for human use and dishwasher safe.
"Tinkle Turf" brand Indoor Potty
Car seat (or you can use a crate for safe car travel)
Sherpa bag or carry bag size large- This is great for travel or vet visits.
Chew toys
Yak chews
1/4 Split antlers
Pizzle sticks (bully sticks)
Vegetable starch treats
Cow Hooves
Gorilla chews
Baby Kongs
NO Rawhide chews
Grooming Products (see Grooming tab for detailed information)
Shampoo and conditioner (L’Oreal 5)
Nail Clippers and Quick Stop Powder
Wooden Pin Brush
Metal Pin Brush
Metal Comb
Mini Electric Clippers (Whal)
Food- Royal Canine Puppy and then Royal Canine Yorkshire Terrier
100% Pure Canned Pumpkin for diarrhea or constipation
Baby Gate(s) to keep puppy in the same room as you for housetraining
Cord protectors (Home Depot sells tubing you can place over your cords that are exposed)
Bitter Apple (bitter taste deters dogs from biting, licking, and chewing)
Stain/odor neutralizer
Pooper Scooper & bags
Storage bin for dry food.
Adjustable Snap-on collar.
6 foot (1.8 m) leash for training
Retractable leash if you want them just to play but you have control, for instance in a park.
Soft doggie bed usually with a bumper around so it can rest it's head
Soft harness to prevent your puppy from pulling and damaging his esophagus. Attach the lead to the front clip to prevent pulling. Brush the coat after each walk under the armpits to avoid tangles.
Dog tags - your pups will be micro chipped, however, it's also good when out in public they have a dog tag with your number on it just in case they get loose so you can be contacted immediately.
Toys: extra small stuffed toys (the small fluffy Kong brand toys are a favorite and come in a duck, frog or bear) crinkle toys, small puppy Kong that fits treats or peanut butter, blue nubby nylabone, koosh balls, infant toys bought at Goodwill and washed
Snuggle Puppy - to help comfort your puppy in their new home.
Doggie Backpack or Sling- this is a wonderful way to get out and about with your new puppy.
Doggie jackets- nylon on the inside will prevent matting
Doggie Bells for your door so that your puppy can let you know when he wants outside.