Here is the link to the CKC page on microchips. After you dog is registered your data will be put into the system by the CKC with your dog’s chip number. (This may take up to six months) You can check your information by putting your dog’s microchip number into the search at the side. (This number is a sticker on your vet Health Record card and will also be on the official registration papers.) To edit the information you will need to call the number at the bottom of the website.
Make certain to puppy proof your home BEFORE your puppy comes home. Remove electrical cords, hazardous plants, cleaning supplies, plastic bags, potpourri, grapes/raisins, chocolate, coffee grounds and xylitol (found in sugar-free candy, power bars, and gum; causes life threatening low blood sugar from a single stick). Use baby gates or exercise pens to block off stairways or dangerous rooms. I use an exercise pen as a gate around my front porch so my puppies don’t escape onto the street when visitors come.
Poison Control Information
Links to information about poisonous plants, human food to avoid and first aid for your pet.
Worms and Parasites
Your puppy has been wormed by my veterinarian and will not need to be wormed until their next vet vist at 12 weeks of age. There is no need to do a fecal test on healthy pupies with no loose stools. Some veterianians want to run a giardia "snap-test" just to check. These tests are expensive and it tests for the antigen to the hard-coating around the giardia. It has a very high false positive on any dog as the hard-coating is in the soil and puddles. If you puppy has giardia you will be able to tell as they will have frequent, terrible-smelling, liquid, greasy diarrhea. If your puppy was exposed (like most dogs) to the hard coating that is everywhere, it doesn't mean your puppy has giardia. Please talk to your vet about doing a out of house laboratory fecal test if your dogs is showing symptoms rather than the snap-test.
The main concern is that the dog will have an allergic reaction to the vaccine. The risk to this is low and the risk of adverse side affects from the disease are high. This Podcast gives excellent information for you to talk with your vet about to reach the best decision for your dog.
Vaccines vs. Socialization. When is your dog protected?
Heartworm and Flea and Tick Meds